No niin. Karongassa, siellä uraanikaivoksella, on huolia. eräs NGO oli epäillyt että ei ihan kaikki turvanormit täyty kaivostoiminnassa. Ja varmaan näin onkin.

Australialaisen kaivosfirman edustaja meni ja sanoi (idioottimaisesti), että mitään isoa haittaa ympäristölle ei heidän toiminnastaan synny, koskapa uraani jota louhitaan on "of poor quality", eli matala-aktiivista.

VIRHE! Isolla veellä! Malawin uraani ei ole poor qualitya! "Lähe meneen vielä kun kerkiät" on taas viestinä keskustelupalstalla. Täällä joku yksittäinen paikallinen lakimies/viestinnäntutkija sanoi ääneen että malawilaiset ovat xenofobisia äärioikeistolaisia. Hassua ajatella, että malawilaisen perttiperusjanarin ja meikäläisen kuulapää-natsin arvomaailmat ovat kokolailla lähellä toisiaan. Makrotason mutuna siis, mitään tutkimustahan näistä ei ole olemassa. Yksilöinä täkäläiset ovat face to face tilanteissa edelleenkin suht' ok näissä asioissa. Kuitenkin tuntuu siltä, että tätä yleistä mielipidettä koitetaan kyllä ihan tietoisesti muokata azungu-vastaisemmaksi. Täällä kun presidentin kuvien määrä on vaan lisääntynyt vaalien jälkeen...

Siellä on kommenttien joukossa ihan asiaakin, ja ei: Teidän ei pidä luuleman että olisin ihan täpöllä tuon mainarifirman puolella. Hämää ja harvittaa vaan tää täkäläinen uskomaton puusilmäisyys. Empan sanoin: "Nämähän ovat herkkähipiäisempiä kuin suomalaiset."

Sitten oli juttua kanssa jätkästä, joka "keksi" sähköt kyläänsä. Tuulivoimalla. Hepusta on juuri julkaistu kirja "The Boy who harnessed the wind." Pitänee hommata käsiin ko. opus.

Lyhykäisyydessään tarina menee näin: Poika ei taloudellisista syista pystynyt jatkamaan koulunkäyntiä. Hän tykkäsi lukemisesta, joten kylän kirjasto tuli kahlattua läpi. Siellä hän näki kirjassa kuvan tuulimyllystä ja maininnan, että ko. masiinaa voidaan käyttää esim. veden nostamiseen.

Poika rakensi kaikenmaailman romusta viisimetrisen tuulimyllyn. Aikaahan siihen meni,  ja koko kylä, pojan mutsia myöden piti jätkää kajahtaneena, koska KUKAAN EI OLLUT IKINÄ KUULLUTKAAN TUULIMYLLYSTÄ. Vuonna 2006. Ai kuinka niin puskassa tämä maa? Kaikkeen tällaiseen uudistamiseen, jota ei ole ennen tehty, suhtaudutaan täällä äärettömän epäilevästi. Ja jos homma onnistuu niin kateus on varmaa.

Jätkä avasi hyrrän lukot ja katso: generaattoriin yhdistettyyn autonlamppuun syttyi valo. Kylässä alkoivat bileet.

Seuraavaksi jannu veti sähköt porukoidensa savimajaan. Kaapelia, hehkulamppuja sekä rautanaula-kumisandaalin osista värkätty katkaisija siihen tarvittiin. Tässä vaiheessa kyläläiset jonottivat ovella että saisivat matkapuhelimensa akut ladattua.

Nykyään kaveri opiskelee scholarshipillä Etelä-Afrikassa jossain huippuyliopistossa.

Laitan vielä tänne loppuun copypastella ton uraanijutun. Että jää nääs jälkipolvillekin vähän makua:

Paladin Energy, an Australian company that mines uranium at Kayelekera in Malawi's northern region, accused some non-governmental organizations in the country of being paid by Western donors to oppose the mining of the metal.

The Catholic Commision for Justice and Peace, the Roman Catholic church’s human-rights group, and Citizens for Justice received 49 million Malawi Kwacha ($350,000) from western corporations that are against the use of uranium as an alternative source of energy, Neville Huxham, Paladin’s country representative, told a parliamentary committee on health and population in the capital, Lilongwe.

Huxham didn’t identify the corporations.

The Kayelekera Uranium mine, which will bring in annual taxes and royalties of $45 million for the Malawian government, was commissioned on April 17.

Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika said at the opening that the mine "promises to turn the country’s economy around."

The CCJP denied that it had received any money to be used to attack Paladin.

"Yes, we receive our funding from Catholic Relief Services to carry out our programs in the country, one of which is to monitor uranium mining at Kayelekera," Charles Chinula, chairman of CCJP, said in an interview Friday from the Karonga district, which borders Tanzania.

"As a civil society organization we want to make sure that uranium is mined safely and in a regulated manner. There are no secrets about our activities on uranium mining."

The CCJP is concerned that Paladin may back-track on commitments it pledged to the people of Karonga, where it operates the mine, Chinula said.

He accused Paladin of not doing enough to protect water sources from contamination.

There was no harm in mining uranium in Malawi because the country’s uranium is of low quality, Huxhum told the committee.

Huxhum didn’t immediately respond to calls today from Bloomberg News seeking comment. The Citizens for Justice also couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.–Bloomberg


Franco Wanjakwa says:

A Khomeliwa, munthu ameneyu si wa bodza koma a fool! What business titan would embark on a business he knows wont give a reasonable return? low quality to the extent it does not make any business sense? If so why invest? If not walk the talk otherwise get out of the kitchen if you find it too hot in there, Huxhum. You must have some iota of respect to people who are your host for God’s sake as this is the minimum one expects of you.Mzungu’yu ndi wa kuti, can’t be british!!!!!!!, british have great manners…!

XxX says:

Keep your shirt on, if something is of low quality, it does not mean it can not be used. Even gold has grades, the high grade is used for certain things and low grade is used in electrical cabling for computers.

Uranium is the same,high grade is used for misiles,low grade is used for generating electricity, some even in Xrays or the cure of cancer.

The man did not say the uranium in Malawi was useless.

They say a semi literate is more dangerous than an illiterate

Nyambi the Revolutionary says:

whether they are being funded by some external militia opposing uranium mining or not, Paladin has to comply with its obligations. they should provide the Karonga residents with safe people and they should not pollute our waters.

we don’t want any Chernobyl mishaps in nyasaland. its better that we remain poor than be poisoned with this nuclear enrichment ingredient.

Dambudzo says:

"Uranium of low quality". Its just a gimmick to put us of so that he can do what so ever he wants to do. CCJP its just a stakeholder trying to protect people and its environment and enhence some of the promises this Paladium Co. pledged.

Mbanji says:

‘The Country’s Uranium is of low quality’..then why spending the hell a lot of money on the project?? CCJP is asking you guys to invest responsibly thats it! You got to think about communities around your mine, thats all we are asking as Malawians!!

Zoona Zake says:

What does he mean when he says it is of low quality? This is a lie. People need to be protected.

Jeetu Namphaka says:

if it is of low quality, let them leave it and go and mine wherever high quality uranium is found. Everything Malawian is of low quality, tobacco, human resources, uranium, … abale tinalakwanji kuti mulungu angitinyanyalila zotsalila. No, I can not buy that our God is good and fair. Ndi anthu akuba inu amene mumanama kuti zinthu zathu ndi za low quality ndi cholinga chotigula pa mitengo yotsika. Thus total insult. Park up and gooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!

umunthu says:

Paladin,you have to learn to be committed otherwise you will face what Tobacco buyers faced. Dont take us for granted, there are alot of companies who can do a better job than you. We are making all necessary arrangements with IRAN. No more bootlicking. Tha precious mineral is in our country and you can pack up and go if you sre not interested.

Do you still want to colonise us with LIES?

fizzo says:


Rabbyce k. nkhoma says:

Pin this Huxhum he seems to adimmit that the nation is at risk by undermining the the effectiveness of the urenium he unearths, why come all the way to Australia and tell us lies that our urenium is of low quality, can this guy elaborate a few differences it makes? whether of low quality or your blaa excuses you have to comply, he is trying to wrap us in his colonialisic ideas where nations are numb of senses, does he think the 45 million will be earned here will pay the consiquences of this deadly toxity, though i hate this mzungu but i trace my trail of rage from my government of being so linient when it comes to money deals, they are ready to chop off my nake and yours just to save thier girl friends’ bubs, this Urenium is not a lasting solution the lakes will be pollutated, fish will vanish and the nation will wee into coffins, and thats the begining of our dooms day, reason POWER, MONEY, SELFISHNESS AND DECAYED MINDS, most nations which are developed saved thier nature, now are at centres of attraction and pride, God will never give us another Lake of stars, forget it! instead we digg ourselves a lake of chronical and terminally problems that will never part ways with our breathe until the very last thin Malawian will wish to turn the heads of clock, but those will be only dreams to bargain with God when DEATH is stuck in our eyes! PHAMBILI CCJP! UMKONDO WETHU HLABA!PHAKATI¨UNG’ASABI

Che Catholic Priest says:

Wayambanso za bodza ngati anyamata a fodya kumanena kuti the uranium is of low quality. You should be reminded of what happened to the tobacco bosses. Say this again when Bingu comes back to Malawi and the next day you will be on the next flight to Australia.